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Swagelok Western New York

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Tube Bending and Coiling

Tube Bending Tools
Our extensive coiling and bending capabilities allow us to manipulate tubing to exact customer specifications. We deliver a final product, saving our customer the cost of tools, training and extra materials.
Tube Bending
There is more to tube bending than one might think. Measurement, geometry and proper tool usage all play an important part in ensuring the final product is safe and usable.
Our technicians are trained to perform consistent, repeatable bends on tubes ranging from 1/8 inch to 2 inches in diameter.


Interested in owning a tube bender? Contact us to buy or rent Swagelok Tools.

Tube Coiling
Our coiling machine shapes our rigid tubing into coils ranging from 4 inches to 54 inches in diameter, useful for applications needing continuous tubing lengths longer than 20 feet such as heat exchanger.